Friday, May 9, 2014

Basketball deconstrution

As I mentionned, I want to learn new skills this summer and on of them is re-learning basketball. I used to be pretty good in high school, but I always missed the magic touch, in my case, finishing my baskets. When I was 15 years old, bigger and taller than other kids of my age, I could pick my own rebounds forever and finish the games with 25-30 pts, but by the age of 17, 6' 180lbs is not that impressive.

What I had for me is a pretty good understanding of the game, which make me a great team player, and good defensive skills. What I would like to improve this summer are all my individual skills. I would divide them in 4 categories:

  • Shooting
    • Jump shots, free thows, 3 pointers, by the basket, with or without the board, etc.
  • Dribbling and handling
  • Layup 
    • with the board, without, dunk, etc.
  • Cross overs
    • Classic, outside the legs, inside the legs, behind the back, double or triplle cross overs ,etc. 
I'm using my good old motto: 
Simple beats complicated every time

Here's a list of my goals I want to achieve:
  • Improving my dribbling and handling
    • Like to learn any skills, I'm doing some drills here and there many times a day if possible.
  • 95%+ for any shot wwithin 2 feet of the basket especially if there is no defender!
  • 80% for any shot around the key
  • Mastering 2-3 simple cross over variations, transitioning into a layup without looking at the ball.
  • 1 hand dunk
Simple rules:
  • I play with other people only if that doesn't mean cutting on my practice. I try to do it at least once/week.
  • I stop when tired. The first symptome is usually the unsoppable need to mess around and doing some studip moves.
  • If I play with other people, I'm extremely careful not o hurt myself. Basketball is the most risky sport for middle age men. 
  • I pick a simple theme from my 4 categories and I work on it for 5-15 min or until I get bored.

Kids these days have it really easy. Everybody is sharing their ressources for free. Whoever is not half-wits can figure it out by himself. I realized the way I shot and dribble are completely wrong and have to re-learn them completely. Fun, fun, fun!!

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